I’ve Got a Boner For the Sunset
The sun is flickering through
a misty gauze of cloud, refracting
friscalating beams back from the surface
of the deep, shimmering river, magnifying
its effervescent tranquility…
and I think I’d like to fuck it.
Just the way it is described, effortlessly stunning
like symmetrical boobs,
and the brightness of the possibility
of a new day on the horizon
just gets me as rock hard
as those mountains that are silhouetted
by its twilight.
And somewhere in the steam
that rises from the sun-baked banks,
that nude collection
of light beam erections once again
reflects back into my eager eyes
like a misfired ejaculation
that I had tried to aim wide.
Azure little droplets,
twinkles of hazy light.
The sun has almost left
but dammit, I’m ready to go again.