Big Honkin’ Pipes

James Knapp
Feb 9, 2023


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Look out! (again)
It’s the Big Honkin’ Pipe Police
come to confiscate another wrench.
Righty tighty. Lefty you’re a dead man.

Like some kind of crazy, mixed up duct
blowing hot air onto all the world’s
toupees. Is it drafty
in here, or is it like this everywhere?

How the hell should I know?
I’m just a big honkin’ pipe.

I move air — then my mouth
yells at you and you
feel warm.

Caboose noodles! They don’t
serve those in first class where
the vents are widest.
I think it’s a tax thing. Only little
air holes for the undercrust — it’s in
the constitution. Hence the crackdown
on big honkin’ pipes that hang above
the ground, or below it.

Wherever the cops are looking.

